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         frequent inquiries:

copyright SCHLUEB architecture
do all architects design homes?
Many architects start out designing homes, but move on to other building types, once they realize the difficulty involved
.  A home is the most intimate of all architectural spaces, unlike commercial building types, a home is designed for specific individuals who have unique habits and lifestyles.  A family's dynamic is complex and defined by the subtleties, so a home must be handled with great care, in every nuance.  Consequently, an architect specializing in a residential practice, mastering the intricacies of home design, will have a greater familiarity implementing every detail.  At SCHLUEB architecture, we take this task seriously and have dedicated our practice exclusively to the refinements of a home.

how should an architect be selected?
The single most important skill necessary for an architect, is their ability to listen.  An architect must understand the needs and desires of their clients, which is dependent on the depth of communication with them.  An architect should be asking what is precipitating a new home at this time, what does your current home lack, and if time and money were not an issue what would your ideal home be like.  But, more important than the questions, a good architect should be more responsive to your answers.  Often, more is said by what is not said, so a perceptive architect, sensitive to your concerns over their own, should be the foremost criteria when choosing an architect.

how long does it take to design a home?
The amount of time spent developing a design is proportional to the quality of home that will result.  Further, the greater the involvement of the homeowner in the process, the more personalized the home will become.  Ideally, time should not be a factor.  However, we understand the pace of modern life and so with much effort, we have structured our studio to accommodate the fluctuating tempo of such a collaboration.  At SCHLUEB architecture, we are able to speed things up or down as design and schedule demand.  And, we take great pride in our ability to meet any deadline.

what does it cost to design a home?
  There are two traditional methods an architect will use to determine their fees.  One is a percentage of the building's construction cost and the other is a rate per hour for more open ended projects.  However, both of these approaches leave the possibility for fee increases resulting from changes in the building's size or scope of work, both common occurrences in the design process.  We at SCHLUEB architecture believe that an experienced architect should be able to accurately assess a project's requirements and provide a quoted fee guaranteed not to increase.  
Therefore, after an initial consultation to review program requirements and any unusual circumstances, we provide a fixed fee and a written summary of included services, eliminating any hidden charges or anxieties.

what factors influence a design?
Many factors, from multiple disciplines, are taken into consideration when designing a building.  An architect must be knowledgeable about structural systems, building materials, natural forces (such as wind, fire, flood, earthquakes), mechanical systems (electrical, plumbing, heating and air conditioning), climate conditions (insulation, ventilation, moisture), recent technological innovations, personal safety and security.  Municipal requirements for design include building codes, zoning laws, local ordinances and property covenants.  Aesthetic issues related to size, shape, location, site topography, architectural style and ornamentation are also significant.  Finally, more abstract issues can influence a building's design, such as time frame, economic costs, functional use, living patterns, social, cultural, historical, political, religious and ancestral traditions.  Consequently, an architect goes through a lengthy educational and internship period to acquire knowledge in many disciplines and to effectively incorporate all of these into a singular design.

should re-sale value influence design decisions?
If you anticipate residing in your new home for more than five years, then re-sale value should be one of your last concerns, for two reasons.  First, home styles and trends change about every five to ten years, so trying to anticipate what will increase market value down the road is variable.  But more importantly, your efforts expended to complete a new home should be enjoyed by you, not some unknown individual some years later.  A suit is not tailored to maximize the second-hand market value, but rather to perfectly fit and accentuate the individual buying it.  Further more, if the design is done well, it will speak to the human condition and become timeless, thereby inherently retaining its architectural value.